August 2013

Depression is the most common mental disorder in the United States, and its prevalence seems to increase every decade. Undoubtedly, some of that rise is due to our fast-paced, often isolated lives that can leave us unsatisfied and yearning for deeper connections. However, another factor...

One of the things we all have in common is, no matter what stage of life we're at, change is always constant. Children have to adjust to new schools and teachers, teenagers and young adults must adapt to college and first loves, adults must learn...

There are reasons most of us choose to form our lives around a family -- it provides companionship, a support system, safety, and much more. Still, at times it's difficult to feel these benefits when we're dealing with work and school demands, money issues, trying...

These days it seems we hear a great deal about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from the media and particularly how it relates to those returning from combat. The phrase "PTSD" has become so commonplace we sometimes don't think about the severity of the condition or...